The policies, products and technologies outlined are not intended to and do not create any contractual or other legal rights in or on behalf of any party. Information provided by Plessey Semiconductors Limited (“Plessey”) as to products, technologies and services (“products”) in this website and its contents is believed to be correct and accurate.
Plessey reserves the right to change/correct the specifications and other data or information relating to products without notice but Plessey accepts no liability for errors that may appear in this website, howsoever occurring, or liability arising from the use or application of any information or data provided herein. Neither the supply of such information, nor the purchase or use of products conveys any licence or permission under patent, copyright, trademark or other intellectual property right of Plessey or third parties.
Products sold by Plessey are sold subject to its standard Terms and Conditions of Sale that are available on request or by the links below. No warranty is given that products do not infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties, and furthermore, the use of products in certain ways or in combination with Plessey, or non-Plessey furnished equipment’s/components may infringe intellectual property rights of Plessey. The purpose of this document is to provide information only and it may not be used, applied or reproduced (in whole or in part) for any purpose nor be taken as a representation relating to the products in question. No warranty or guarantee express or implied is made concerning the capability, performance or suitability of any product, and information concerning possible applications or methods of use is provided for guidance only and not as a recommendation.
The user is solely responsible for determining the performance and suitability of the product in any application and checking that any specification or data it seeks to rely on has not been superseded.